Signature Health Screening

Our Unique health screening is focused on empowering you by giving you detailed answers, using the most advanced technology, in the shortest time; thus eliminating the time spent seeing different physicians over a period of time that adds to your busy schedule.

Knowledge is the key to your health so we have worked on combining Advanced Technology, Clinical Expertise and a luxury VIP service to deliver the highest level of reassurance and peace of mind when it comes to your health status – all in one visit.

Co-developed with our UK sister company – Lumen at Harley street London, part of UME Health, our Signature Health Screening packages are unique within the UAE. We are the only Clinic in the UAE offering Whole Body 3T MRI screening in our comprehensive packages with Zero Radiation options. As an added bonus, our Radiologist will explain the highly detailed MR images while giving you a virtual tour of the inside of your body before you leave.

Having access to the necessary information required to identify important risk factors and early diagnosis of specific conditions, gives our Physicians the means to provide you with an effective and often less invasive treatment plan. A full range of optional studies is available as determined by your risk assessment, medical and family history including a heart scan in just one heartbeat and comprehensive breast imaging for women.

diamond new


Male / Female over 40

Cost: AED 25,000
Duration: 7 Hours

sapphire new


Male / Female over 40

Cost: AED 21,000
Duration: 6 Hours



Male / Female over 40

Cost: AED 14,000
Duration: 5 Hours



Male / Female over 40

Cost: AED 6,500
Duration: 3 Hours

Multi Disciplinary Team Approach

Our dedicated team will guide you along the way as you take your first step to being better informed about your health, as the saying goes Health is Wealth!

doctor-01- Doctors in Dubai

Dr. Carole
Wehbe Chidiac

Family Medicine Specialist
Lina Doumani Khalil Clinical Dietitian MSc. (Diet & Nutrition)


Clinical Dietitian
doctor-02 - Doctors in Dubai

Dr. Vikas

Specialist Radiologist
Dr. Juliana Korth Internal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Juliana

Internal Medicine Specialist
Dr. Shweta Agarwal Breast Radiologist (Head of Breast Unit) MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRCR (UK), EDBI, EDIR (Europe)

Dr. Shweta

Breast Radiologist
doctor-03 - Doctors in Dubai

Dr. Rami

Cardiovascular Imaging
QR Code - Medical Centers in Dubai

For appointments and further information please scan the QR code

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment with one of our specialist doctors, please fill out the form or make a call on the below number or email us.

800 255433